So, I'm not all that happy with my body at the moment. Starting Saturday afternoon I started having these really sharp pains in my lower abdomen, and when I say really sharp I mean: "OW OW OW OW OWEEEEEEEE, KILL ME NOW!" pain. It continued like this for a couple of hours then it got better, then late that night the pains came back, then again the next morning and continued on and on throughout the morning and into the afternoon, so my boyfriend and I try to go to a urgent care, but they were CLOSED! Needless to say, sitting in my boyfriend's tiny car in the cold, I wasn't very happy. So we decided, after some parental counseling, to go to the hospital. After we got there, the doctors did a bunch of tests and we were there for 5 hours to find that they weren't sure what was wrong and sent me home with some nausea meds. :( I continued to be sick until Wednesday, I finally got my ability to hold down food and today I made it out of bed for some normal activities. So it's better, but the moral of this in my here admissions blog is that my Transy friends were there for me. Whether they were texting me to see what I was doing and found out I was sitting in the hospital or stopping by once they heard that I was under the weather, or offering soup or advice, my Transy friends were there for me.

Proof! Legit Hospital Bracelet.
(Blurred so yall can't steal mah identities)
Also, as I was sitting in class this afternoon, a little loopy from my nausea medicine I gazed out the window and scratched at my seasonally dry skin and dreamt of my warm spring and early fall days, my favorite days at Transy. On warm, sun-drenched days students stream out of their dorms or the library to soak in the rays of light to help them in their photosynthesis and get some energy in a healthier way than an energy drink from the eighty or a cup of (illegal) coffee. On these days you can find students sprawled on any of the lawns on the academic side of campus under the shade giving trees, but my favorite spot on these days is Back Circle, the circle behind Forrer formed by the drive past Thomson, Davis and Clay Halls. Back circle is a refuge for the over studied, for the volleyball lover, for the people watchers, for the sun-bather, the barbecue-ing fraternity or the cornhole-ing student group.
I could, and have, spent the majority of days laying on a blanket, doing (or at least pretending to) do my homework. I've spent warm nights on the benches laughing with my friends, and I made the majority of my friendships in our dear back circle. Last year, shortly after returning from Winter Break, it was unusually warm and pretty rainy and a pick up game of mud football broke out, that game of mud football is among one of my most fond memories of Transy. Unless you were unaware, it''s not all about the things you learn in lectures or labs, but the things you experience in the time you spend at college, that makes the trip worth while. I'd like to say, so far, my trip has taken many unexpected, yet enjoyed detours; I wouldn't have it any other way.

Post-Mud Football in Forrer
With my Girls, Veronica and Meg.