Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The final countdown!

So this is it, right? One day until you (that is if you're a senior) have to give your decision to your college. I didn't wait until quite the last day, but it was late April by the time I had decided. Since I'm from Indiana, so I'm not sure what schools people are looking at, but I had it narrowed down to Purdue, Rose Hulman and Transy. I had to wait to make my decision until I had the financial aid info from all of them and heard back on scholarships and so forth. Even though Purdue is a state school since I wasn't the valedictorian or a National Merit Scholar, I didn't get any merit based aid from them and since my parents make enough money I didn't get very much Federal aid for Purdue either. Rose Hulman did a pretty good job making sure that I would be able to attend, but I would have left with a substantial student loan to pay off. Transy obviously loved me best :) because I got a pretty good scholarship from them and some other aid.

Ultimately, I decided against Purdue for financial and some other reasons (half of my graduating class was going there and I needed a change of scenery) and I decided against Rose Hulman because I wanted a little bit more diversity in curriculum and it just wasn't my scene. So Transy it was, and Transy it is. I just hope that you all pick the school that's right for you, not because someone tells you that you should go there with them or because your parents think that this school would be best. Look at the thing from all angles, you'll find the right one for you. :)

Here's a throwback to Orientation Weekend last year, a bunch of us sitting on one of the Transy Signs

Well enjoy your weekend, and do something fun with your friends! Adios.

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