Sunday, May 17, 2009

I'm baaack!

That's right folks, your's truly is back from her whirlwind European Choir Tour! Let me say, it was warm, sunny, and didn't even think about raining the entire 10 days we were there. The plane rides, both there and back were long and kind of stressful but the trip was well worth it. We left Transy around 6 in the morning and drove to the Northern Kentucky Airport for our flight to Chicago, once we got to Chicago we had a 5 hour layover until we left for Frankfort, Germany. Once we got to Germany we had to race through passport control and security and just barely got to our flight to Venice in time to board it. When we landed in Venice we had to wait for everyone to find their luggage and to exchange their cash for Euros, and then we finally got to get on the bus to see Venice.

As you may imagine, we all had hoped to be able to go to the hotel freshen up, rest a little before we began our explorations but no, we went straight from a nearly 24 hour trek to being plopped down in the middle of Saint Mark's Square in Venice to find lunch in a place where we didn't know the language. Needless to say, this first day started off to be quite overwhelming and didn't slow down because we got a guided tour after our lunch break. We all were interested to hear the history of the place and excited to be in Italy, but I know that I personally was almost too tired to really appreciate everything that our guide was saying.

St. Mark's Sqaure, this doesn't come close to illustrating how many people were there.

After our tour, we got a chance to go see a demonstration of Murano Glass Blowing, one of Venice's most famous art forms. And then, finally, we got to go to our hotel. I'll update you on the rest later!

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