Sunday, November 2, 2008

Raf Week

So, Halloween time at Transy is basically amazing. Because of our lack of football team, we don’t have a homecoming per say, but we do have Raf Week.

Ok, so way long ago there was this guy, Rafinesque, who was a biology professor at Transy and was way into finding all these new species of plants and so forth like so into it that he would not show up to teach his classes for weeks at a time and when the President of the time decided to tell Raf what was up, Raf got all upset and left the school. As legend goes, when he left, he placed a curse on the school; shortly after that the president died of the yellow fever and the main building burned down… and so bad thing continued to happen until the administration decided to try to right the wrongs and had Raf’s remains moved into Old Morrison. But, rumor is that every seven years bad things happen at Transy, and some people believe while others don’t that the remains that were brought here weren’t actually even Raf’s and some say that bad things will always happen at Transy and there’s nothing we can do to appease Raf’s spirit. But we do get a sweet week a stuff happening on campus to try!

There’s a week long celebration of Creepy Raf type things from ghosts tours of campus to a bonfire and a haunted house, and a drawing for students to spend the night in Raf's tomb, all leading up to Halloween, and most of the time, Parent’s Weekend.

On top of everything going on at Transy, this year I decided to go out into the community for some Halloween fun and joined the community reenactment of Michael Jackson’s Thriller. The jist of it is that a bunch of people (that’s us) dress up like zombies and come to life to dance down the street to the Tune of Thriller, led by our very own Michael Jackson impersonator. I know people love to watch it, but I can’t imagine it’s even close to being in it. Regardless it’s a ton of fun and a bunch of Transy people always turn out to watch it and then maybe to go to the Kentucky Theater for a little Rocky Horror Picture show at midnight. Regardless, the time leading up to Halloween and Halloween itself is always an amazing experience at Transy and in Lexington in general.

Here's my roommate and my grand-big and I in our zombie garb:

Parent's weekend was also this weekend and my parents came down for a visit. It was real nice to spend the day with them, we had lunch in the Caf, and then we went to a desert Open house type thing in the Chapter room, then we went shopping at Hamburg and they got me some birthday presents. After shopping we went for a drive in the country and I took them to my boyfriend's house, which is way out in the woods. My mom loved it because the trees were really pretty.

Here's me and my momma:

But I think that the trees all over are really beautiful, especially on campus. We came back to campus and my dad and my boyfriend took naps while my mom hemmed my choir dress and I took a shower and got ready for the concert. After that we walked downtown and had dinner at Sawyer's, which was delicous as usual. Then we went to the concerrt which was good and everything, and then my parents peaced out. And I went to bed. :)

Here are some of our pretty trees on campus:

Today I went to the play, which was The Crucible and it was very good. I may be a little biased because one of the leads was my new, wonderful big. Anyway, it was a fun, interesting weekend. And I'll talk to yall lata!


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