Sunday, January 3, 2010

Finals: A through F

I left you all before finals which is always an interesting time of the semester. I don't think that I (or any of my fellow bloggers) have explained about finals weeks at Transy.

Classes end one week before you're really done and the next weeks is Finals Week. You might have read about "Reading Day" this is always on Monday of Finals Week, it adds to the weekend to give a small reprieve to do some last minute studying for your finals on Thursday-Friday. Then each day is carefully planned out to provide a separate time for each final. For example, if you have a 9:30 MWF class you have your final at 3 on Monday and your finals for a 1:30 TTh is at 9AM on Thursday. This way you don't have to worry about overlapping finals and they usually work out to be fairly spread out.

I know this is a little late, but if you have any questions about finals or ANYTHING else about Transy just let me know! Comment or email me. Have a great day!

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