Anyway... School has started, class is in session, and the [hypothetical] party has begun. Already this year looks like it's going to be quite an adventure. As I told you many moons ago, this year I'm tackling the Resident Assistant role and because of that I've been on campus for three weeks. Training was way intense but I'm glad of that because I feel ready for the year, or as ready as I can be. It's really interesting to be back in the realm of first years even as an RA, its very fun to watch my residents start to blossom into women away from their families. Move in was an exciting ordeal, watching all of the parents moving the "children" in to their dorms and eventually leaving them "under my watch."
One of the exciting things about being an RA is planning CBA's or Community Building Activities, already I've had two plus a hall meeting- our first CBA was "Speed Dating" with one of the boys halls, where the girls lined up and just talked for three minutes with all the guys. Our second activity was having Laina, the nurse, come to talk to the girls about the services she offers and good practices for remaining healthy. Another fun thing I got to do as an RA was to decorate my hall in whatever theme I wanted, I choose "Save our Earth" here are some pictures:
There are a bunch of fun themes on the first year halls this year, there's a Dr. Suess's "Oh the Places You'll Go!" theme; a Survivor theme; a Saved by the Bell theme; and a bunch of other neat ideas.
I hope you all are starting your own school year off right and hope you're having some fun!
Till next time! Abby
PS. Since the city of Lexington is lame and thinks that people care about the Bengals ;) I didn't get to watch the Colts game today. But in case you didn't hear... they won!!
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