Dear, dear blogging community, I envy you and the fact that many or most of you have not had to endure the season most hated here at Transy, Finals Season. For some reason I was stuck with one of the worse finals schedules I've ever had this semester, I had a BIG program due in my Netcentric Computing class last week and another one a two weeks before that, I had two Spanish literary analysis papers due in the middle of all that and then came actual finals week. This week I had three of my finals all scheduled on Tuesday, so I asked my Spanish professor if I could move my Spanish Civ final forward to Monday (Reading Day) and then I had my Golden Age Spanish Lit and Computational Theory finals on Tuesday, my last test, Netcentric, was conveniently scheduled for Friday so I've had several days to study and prepare for it.
It's been busy and I should get to bed, but I wanted to let you all know that I'm still living and breathing over here and after my test tomorrow I'm going to be free to breathe for the 4 days of May Term Break and I cannot wait! I'll update more about the exciting things I've been busy with in that time too!
Hope all the prospective students are having an ok time with the deadline that's approaching! If you have any questions, leave a comment or shoot an email!